YALE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY 310 CEDAR STREET NEW HAVEN 11, CONNECTICUT December 23, 1957 Dr. Jd. Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Josh: My spies tell me that you and Esther love the itinerant life. I gather that your trip to Australia wasn't without geographical pleasure and interest. JI was sorry to miss you at your Harvey lecture but I was unable to make it down to New York that day. I understand that you did well. Congratulations! In idle conversation with you I gathered the impression that you consider Charlie Yanofsky a reasonably avle person. lLastyear Krampitz nominated him for the Eli Lilly Award in Bacteriology but I understand that the recommendations of the nominating committee were not followed by the award committee and thus Charlie lost out. Krampitz is resuomitting the nomination this year. I recently wrote Arthur Kornberg, chairman of the nominating committee, asking whether it would strengthen his case to have letters from a few individuals supporting Krampitz's nomination, I have asked Ed to write such a letter and I am taking the liberty of writing you to ask whether you would also be willing to support this nomination. If you are plugging for someone else or if you don't feel strongly about Charlie please disregard this letter. On the other hand if you would consider Charlie a good candidate we would greatly appre- clate it if you would write Kornberg a letter supporting Krampita's nomination. Such a letter has to be in Kornberg's hands by January 15the With best regards to you and Esther and the Season's Greetings. As ever, Ce et — David M. Bonner DMB edd