; ARPANET, 31 SAT 27=SEP#75 83:33PM 26eSEPe75 15227212=PDT,8955 7000000000000 Mai} from BBN@TENEX pevd at 26°SEP=75 1526=PDT Dates 26 SEP 1975 1825EDT From: GIRDVAINIS at SBBN=TENEX Subject? ARPANET MANAGEMENT TRANSITION Tos FEIGENBAUM at USC#ISI FROM? Defense Communications Agency Washington, 0,C, 20305 oe ee = * Se sce SUBJECT: ARPANET Management Transition 1, The operational management of the ARPANET was transferred from the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency to DCA on 1 July 1975, Enclosure 1 is a memorandum of policy for the utilization of ARPANET, Enclosure 2 {8s a copy of the ARPANET Management Transition Plan whieh gives a detatled description of the network, 2, The ARPANET backbone jis now being funded through the Communications Services Imdustrial Fund (CSIF), managed by DCA, Monthly billings for ARPANET services will be prepared by the Defense Commercial Communications Office (OECCO), located at Seott AFB, Illinis 62225, The first billing is expected to be completed during September 1975, and will be retroactive to 1 July 1975, Al] subsequent billings will be momthiy, The FY 1976 monthiy billing rate will be $4,900 for each TIP or IMP, A one percent overhead charge wil! be added to this monthly billmg pate, It should be noted that DECCO wil! meet bill the traividual contractors such as ISI, MITRE» ete, but wil] of1) the sponsor of the IMP op TIP, @eQ_ ARPA will be billed for all the ARPA=sponsored nodes, 32 A sponsors grove wil! be established with the first meeting scheduled for 21 October 1975, The purpose of the group {8 to provide a vehicle for coordinating proposed metwork changes which may {impact sponsors and users, and to exchange ideas amd information on network operations and user activities, Al] network users will be represented by their SPONSOR, 4, Questions regarding the ARPANET should be directed to the ARPANET Management Branch Code $35, AUTOVON 222946175 or 222°6176- Commercial (202) 692"6175 or 692-6176, FROM Defense Communications Agency Washington, DC, 20305 SUBJECT: Policy for ARPANET Utilization 1, PURPOSE: This decument prescribes the policy of the Defense Communications Agency concerning urtlization of ARPANET, 2, APPLICABILITY: This policy applies to all users of 3 ARPANET, 31 SAT 27"SEP#75 8:35PM the ARPANET, 3, DEFINITIONS: @, INTERFACE MESSAGE PROCESSOR (IMP), ARPANET, $14 SAT 27=SEP@#75 8:33PM Host operations a Host passes a message to its IMP; the message is passed from IMP to IMP through the network until} it finally arrives at the destination IMP, which passes it along to the destination Host, A terminal (teletypewriter or CRT) accesses the network through a Terminal Interface Processor (TIP) and sends a message to a Host or another Terminal, The terminal messege passes through the network in the Same manner as a Host to Host message, The elements of the network are tke Interface Message Processors (IMP), Terminal Interface Processors (TIP), interawiteh trunks, access lines, host computers and terminals, 5, RESPONSIBILITY FOR OPERATIONAL DIRECTION? a, The Director, OCAr wil) control system engineering and exercise operational direction over those operating elements of ARPANET which are part of the backbome, ARPANET subscriber equipment /terminals are mon=backbone facilities, However, ARPANET subSeribers must be responsive to management instruce tions issued by the DCA, b, Criteria and standards for interface are specified in Repert Number 1822, Interface Message Processor! Specifica= tions for the Interconnection of a Host amd an IMP (Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Apri! 1973), New criteria and standards developed Joimtily by the DCA, the Military Services, and the Defense agencies wil! be promulgated by the DCA, Al) sub= serf{bers wil) meet ARPANET interface criteria, Cy, The Director, DCAs om a continuing basiss will monitor the effectiveness cf ARPANET, evaluate those matters which have Major impact op will impact adversely on the network, and direct action to alteviate ar prevent such impact, 6, SUBSCRIBER ACCESS: The ARPANET is intended to be used solely for the conduct of er in Suppert of of ftetal U,S§, Government business, a. DOD USERS » Subject to the availability of assets, Dod activities will be connected te the ARPANET provided their Peavirements are crocessed through normal communications Validating channels, b, NON#DOD U,S, GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES = Requests for ARPANET Service from monm=DoD U.S, Government activities will be considered by DCA on a case*by=case basis, c, NON*GOVERNMENT U,S, ACTIVITIES = A Dod or other U,S, Govermmant activity authorized to use the network may sponsor aS a UBer, a NONM=govermment activity performing in conmtractural support of the U.S, Government, Justification outlining benefits to the U.S, Government for such access shall! be provided to DCA by the sponsoring activity, Cost for network services provided to nonegovernment activities shal! be allocated to the sponsoring activity, Gy NON@ULS, ACTIVITIES = Nonmewl,8, activities will not be 5 ARPANET, 371 SAT 27*SEP#75 8333PM directly conmected to the ARPANET, Utilization of the ARPANET may be provided through the facilities of an authorized user Previded the use is coordinated with DCA, @, NONCOMPETITIVE BASIS = The ARPANET is am operational Dod matwork and {8s not intended to compete with comparable commereta!l Service,