1/27/54 Dear Josh: Could I promote a constitutive[?] Luc. strain? We are pretty certain that K-12 differs from Monod's in that the basal level in K-12 appears to be a minimal unit of lucclare/cell rather than simply the presence of constitutives - and furthermore adaptation appears homogeneous in K-12 rather than heterogeneous as Bezer found. However we need a constitutive Luc M and have been unable to pick one up. Thus if [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] you could send a transfer of yours we would appreciate it. You might be interested to know that y-52 turns out to not be a Luc mutant. The best dope we can get on it suggests its a permeability affecting glucose as well as lactose. We do, however, have a complete Lac strain - no enzymes under any circumstance. I understand you are now a home and estate owner - congratulations. Best regards as ever Dave