APN 1 5 71978, NAVAL REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 94627 IN REPLY REFER TO April 15, 1975 Professor J. Lederberg Principal Investigator Sumex Computer Project Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 Dear Professor Lederberg: The Clinical Investigation Center at the Naval Regional Medical Center, Oakland is presently conducting a study on the management of hypertension utilizing paramedical personnel and computer techniques. We are currently utilizing the decision system at the Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California, Berkeley. We are interested in exploring the possibility of partaking in the Sumex project. JI have enclosed a proposal for such a program for your consideration. I am also forwarding a copy to Dr. Carl Brewer at the National Institutes of Health, Your attention in this matter is greatly appreciated. Respectfully, yy Vahl fy . WALLIN Director, Clinical Investigation Center Enclosure | Friday pm. 4/18/75, This 4 : . news Weetanyived in the mail. [¢ enough of yo ( © eceived i , it before our Tuesday telecon, I , 3 er M . ¢C Y apologies for the rush, It has taken some doi ing