Novenber 25, 1953 Dr, David My Bonner Department of Microbiolovy Yale University New Haven 11, Connecticut Dear Dave: Your note of the 13th asked about Stanley Shapiro, I knew Stan only slightly while he was here at Wisconsin. Just after he vot his Ph.D. in the Bacteriolocy Department he spent a couple of weeks in our laboratory picking up techniques for the isolation of biochemical mutants, This was just before he went to take a job at Ames where he is now. He has apparently made some use of the metiois picked up with us Judging from a few of his publications, Stan did not impress me as quite the most brillicnt of present~day scientists though considering the very poor environment at his present post he seems to have produced pretty well, He is a very amiable sort of chap, works pretty hard, and I think that unless you would put him on a program that demanded quite umsual cap- abilities that you could get a good deal of work out of him, It is not altogether out of the question that he would develop con- siderably further under the proper influences, but above all I think someone has to take the very necessary humanitarian step of rescuing him from his present, almost intolerable situ:tion. All in all, I think that I would recommend him to you and cer~ tainly for a trial interval of a year or so as you mentioned, I am glad to hear that you are settled in a nore congenial and secure atmosphere at Brady than you had before, You know that you have our best wishcs in this ae in all other matters, Dave, some time ago I asked you to bring me up-to-date on the reprints th.t you and your associates had received, Could you please tend to this soon and let me know how many copies it would be important for you and the people in more or less immediate con- tact with you to have, If you could sive me their names I will see to it that as many copies as can be spared will be sent, I would like to ask you to act as the distributing agent on this matter, In turn, among myself and my students and collaborators, we could use anywhere from two to six copies of various papers, depending on the immediacy of their genetic pertinence, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg /ew