JOWSEPH76 15$09122=PDT, 2881 1000000000000 Date? 30 SEP 1976 1309=PDT Fromt LEDERBERG Subjects Views on Rutgers=10 application Tos AMAREL Dear Sault TI am sorry 1# you think our advice {8 mon=responsive, He were really trying to find a route that steod the best chance of getting study= seation and NIH support; but 1 you disagree, I certainiy donit want to stand {m the way of whatever effort you want to try, In time for the sfte visit, we may be able to flesh out much more detail), For nowr I hope the following will be useful to you as my own expression of opinion, Ae can be documented (with more detailed figures to be furnished seer aytne SUMEX=AIM system has become heavily leadeds to the point of Ssfaonificant discomfort for many external users, This {8 particularly discouraging at the point where interesting programs (like CONGEN) have been developed to a level of real utility, and which then require fleld=testing to demonstrate thelr full veluer and to Polish them from the ultimate usera! standpoint, Within the SUMEX group at Stanford, we are undertaking serj{ous studies on various technical alternatives for the long-range solutions to these problems, These are being prepared in time for the submission of the SUMEX=AIM project renewal application intended for June, 1976, Dr, Amarel has led one of the largest, moat important and mont creative of the SUMEX=user groups, and {ts requirements constitute a etanificant part of the load, The strengthening of the RUTGERS#10 facilitye particularly in a coordinated managerial framework, would Plaimly be of oreat use to that cluster of AlMeuser projects, and could also Provide immediate computer=power for a significant qroup of users. thus lightening the overall! burden, The adoption of compatible onerating systems s= which {8 mow economical in the light of DEC support of TOPS=20 == would facilitate that sharing of resources, with particular merit for east=coast users, Although computer=network communications remain a viable option for transcontinental resource sharing, restrictions on the use of ARPANET, and idiosyncrasies of the available commercial systems, are Such that many Users would be more comfortable working within feasible direet=diaj*up range of the serving machine, This {8 particularly important im elinfeal applications; Jess so in the chemical ones which are more computer=intensive, We therefore concur that Dr, Amarel'!s application eould serve as a Valuable augmentation of SUMEX#AIM NATIONALLY=shared resources, as we]! as of its primary regional] purposes, We are certainiy wilting to cooperate to the utmost in assuring a common management framework for the allocation of the resource, and in the endeavour to sustain the highest practicable teehnical compatibility Cor complementarity where this (s indicated.) Joshua Lederberg