DE STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS Sept. 30, 1976 As can be documented (with more detaiied figures to be furnished Later) the SUMEX-ALH systen has become heavily loaded, to the point of significant discomfort for many external users. This is particularly discouraging at the point where interesting programs (like CONCEN) have been developed to a level of real utility, and which then require fField-testing to demonstrate their full vaiue, and to polish then from the ultimate users’ standpoint. Within the SUMFA group at Stanford, we are undertaking serious studies on various technical alternatives for the long~range solutions to these probliens. These are being prepared in time for the submission of the SUMNEX~ATH project renewal application intended for June, L977. Nr, Amarel has led one of the largest, most important and most creative of the SUMEX~user groups, and its requirements constitute a significant part of the load. the strengthening of the RUTGERS=-10 facility, particulariy in a coordinated managerial Framevork, would plainiy be of great use to that cluster of AIM-user projects, and could also provide imnediate computer~power for a significant group of users thus Lightening the overali burden. The adoption of compatible operating systems ~~ which is now economical in the light of DRC support of TOPS+20 -- would facilitate that sharing of resources, with particular merit for east~-coast users. Although computer-network connunications remain a viable option for transcontinental resource sharing, restrictions on the use of ARPANET, and idiosyncrasies of the available commercial systens, are such that many users would be more comfortable working within feasible direct-diail-up range of the serving machine. This is particularly important in clinical applications; less so in the chemical ones which are nore conputer~intensive. te therefore concur that Dr. Anarei’s application PARTMENT OF GENETICS, STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 * (415) 497-5052 could serve as a valuable augmentation of SUMEX~AIM NATLONALLY-shared resources, as well as of its primary regional purposes. We are certainly willing to cooperate to the utmost in assuring a common management framework for the allocation of the resource, and in the endeavour to Sustain the highest practicable technical compatibility (or complementarity where this is indicated.) Joshua Lede rincipal Investigafjr, SUMEX~AIM Project