OFFICE MEMORANDUM e STANFORD UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANDUM e STANFORD UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: May 6, 1975 To : File FROM: Joshua Lederberg SusJect: AIM Advisory Committee White Paper eee The paramount issues are: what is AI, referring to the Nielson and Feigenbaum papers. WNGONVYOW3IW J3dtHdO © ALISYZAINN GYXOANVLS © What is the charter of SUMEX AIM with respect to the whole spectrum of health research not just medical care services. But Bill Baker cautions that NIH generally is confused about NIH's role in demonstrating health performance and there will be a crisis if we do not show some way in which the research is relevant to health. There is a policy question of the level of intervention that the Advisory Committee should undertake with respect to the scientific content of projects and their modes of interactions. My position is that we must go further than is typical for the Study Section since we have a qualitatively unique resource not simply interchangeable dollars. There is the issue that Ed Feigenbaum's speech addressed about the relative role of scientific quality and medical relevance, There are questions about the extent to which modelling should come under AI and if so whether we should mount SIMULA GPSS or SIMSCRIPT,. In general, we need a lot of discussion about the kinds of projects we are looking for and information to users about the criteria that will be used in deciding on their role. A good deal of this is, of course, in the questionnaire, There are also the issues that Tom Rindfleisch raised in his SEND MESSAGE memo to me. Then for more specific action items, there are the questions of communicating to Arbib and to Baer. Find out to what extent Elliott will have done that, WNGNVYOWIW 3d14O © ALISHFAINN GHYOANVIS © WNONVYOWAW JAdIddO © ALISYZAINN GYOANVIS