ATTACHMENT E QUESTIONNAIRE FOR PROSPECTIVE SUMEX#AIM USERS INFORMATION FOR POTENTIAL USERS OF SUMEXmarImM RESOURCE Preataceaj National users may gaim aceess to the facility pesoveces SePONGA an advisory canel for a national srogram fm aptifiejal intels ligames im medie{ma (AIM), The ATM advisory spoum consists of memberse atelarse of tha Al and medical communities, faeility users, and the peingipal invegtigator of SUMEX as an ex officio mamber, A repra= Samtativa of the National Inmatituzes of Health=Biotecholagy Resourees Branenh (NIM*BRB) serves as axecutive secretary, Under {ts enabling five year grant the SUMEX#AIM pesaquree is allocated to Qualified users without fea, TAIS, of coursesentai|s a eareful review of the merits and priopities of prosased applications, At the direation ef the acy teeny groupe expanses relatad to communications and trans= eartation to allew snaci#ia users to visit the facility may be covered as well, User Gualiffeationss In gamaral terms, potential users of the SUMEX= AIM #faeilities are Judged on the basis of? 1, The sefentific interest and merit of the proposed research, 2, The relevance of the week to the artifieial intelligence appra@aeh of SUMEX#AIM as oppased te other camputing alternatives, 3, The prospective contributions and rale of a user im the come MUM tYs Geen developing and sharing pew systems op applications Programs, sharing use of special hardware, etc, G, Tha uSer's capability and intent{ons of aperating tm a come muntityseffective style for mutyal advantage, Beside the programming imnavattons that some partieipants may be able to contribute, all ate expected to furmish expert knawledge and advise about the existing art im their fields of tnterest, S.. Quantitative allocation of specific elaments of the SUMEXeAIM pesource based om a gonmeept of meam and ceiling planned expeetations, In many respects this entails a higher-level of information than is required for routine grant applications seeking mometary funding Support, The information furnished by users is alse indispeasibte for the SUMEX staf? {nm carrying ot thelr planning, reporting and operational functions, The avestionnaire that fallewsS encompasses the main issues trat the committee must be comeermed about, However, this should mot obstruct elear and imaginative presentation, amd we are not much gone:pned about form and format, The user should prepare his stateman? in his @wm words Using previously ouplished material or othar dscuments whereever convemiant, The questionnalPpe, regarded as a form, might ba. most useful as a check Jist and as an index to guide readers where to find the mast cogent replies in the other documemtation to tha questions raised, For users mounting canolex and esaecially menstandard systema, the deeigton to affilf{ate with SUMEX may anmtai! a heavy investmant that Would bea at eiak if the arrangement ware sudden|y terminated, The advisory committee wishes ta.feilow a peaponsible and sensitive policy along these Vines one Peagonm for cautious deliberations and even jn thea harshast contingencies wil| maka every affore to facilitate gpacafy) antey and daparture of qualified users, Comversely, it must hava credible intormation about thoughtful plans for long term Pequifaments ineluding eventual alternatives to SUMEX#AIM, SUMEX#AIM {8S a Pesearch resource, Aot a operational vehicle for health care, Many orogramms are expected ta be investigated, developed, and demons strated on SUMEX*AIN. with spinetis for practices} implementation on other systems, In some eases the size and seopa of eliniea! trials and validation: that may be reauired later would preelude them from being carried Out on SUMEX@AIM a8 mow constituted, Please be as exp|}fieit as you cam in your plans for such outcomes, Applicants should therefore submit: 1, Ore to two page qutline of the prepesa) organized as the user Sees fit, 2, A return copy of the quastionnairer erasseindexed where releyant, to BSUPpOPtiAg doeuments, 3, Supporting desumants, &, List of submitted materials, eaded for cross reference in any reasonable way, Flease send us two capies of suomitted materials for preliminary review, We will metity you later, as needed, tf additional copies af Supporting materialss @eGer Reprints, will be Useful for the committee, QUESTIONNIARE (Plaasa Arevide alther brief reply om reference supporting documents) A, Questions Relating to Medieal and Computer Science Goals 1, Desseibe the sesposed researeh to be carried eyt om the SUMEXe AIM PesoyPrea, 2, How is thia esgearech presantliy supported? Plaase identify applica tion and award statements tm waieh the contingency af SUMEX=“AIM aYailability is indieated, What {sg the current status of any applicas tion for grant support of ratated researeh by any federal ageney? Tf within the past three years yeu have received notification of any disasproval or of approval, pending fundings this should be noted, Bugetary information should be furnished where it comecerns operating eosts and personne! for syoport of computing, Please furnish whatever eantextual information that would aid the advisory committee to undere Stand how your research sians have been evaluated by other sefentific review groups. 3, What {8 the relevance of your work to the AI approach of SUMEX=AIM as 9Pmesfed to other computing alternatives? 5B, Questions Relating to Collaborative Community Building 1, ‘Will the programs that you will be designing im your research efforts have Some generality with Pegatd te their possibile application to Problems analagaus to these that vou are immediately interested in? 2, What application pragrams ape already publically available that yOu ean USe in your work? Are these available om SUMEX#AIM op elsewhere? 3, What ape the opportunities or difficulties with regard to making available your ren pregrans to other callaboratops within a peasenable interval of publigatian of your work? 4, Are you interested in disqussing with the SUMEX staff possible ways {nm which other artificial=intel|igence research capabilities might imtertrelate with your work? 5, If aprreved a9 a user, would you help advise ys om eollsborative opportunities similar to yoyrs with other investigators im your field? C, Questions Relating to Hardware and Software Requirements 1, What computer facilities are you now using im comnection with your Peseareh or de you have available at your imst{tution? Im what Pespect dé these mot. meat your fesearch requirements? 2, What languages are you using or do yoy wish to yse? Will your research require that majo system programa or janguages be added to the system? WHI, you maintain them? If you are committed to systems MOE AOW SUMEX, pleasejcomment on the effart that would he Pequired far conversion te and maintananas om the POP@{0 » TENEX system, Can you dissyss the merits of the alternative plan of converting your application programs to one of the already available standards? Would the jatar facilitate tha Objeetives of Fart B, collaborative community oulidings. 3,. Cam you estimate your requirements for CPY utilization and disk spase? What time of the day will your CPU utilization oceur? Would it be convenient or. possible for yey ta use the system during of f=peak Pariods? Please indicate (the best you eam) how you arrive at these. estimates and what the consequences would be of various levels of pestrics tion op relaxation of access to different resources, SUMEX*AIM!s tangs ible Resources can be measured in terms of3 ay 6CPU eyeles b) conmegt time and communications Ci User terminals Cin spacial cases these may be supported by SUMEX=AIM) ad) disk spaee oJ] offfine media=printer cutputsys tapes (limited quantities at most to be mailed) Can yoy estimate your requirements? With respect to a) and b) there are loading preblems during the daily eyelesean you indicate the Palativa utility a¢ primawtime (0900"1600 PST) vs, offepeak access? 4, What are yoyr communication plans? (TYMNET, ARPANET, other?) How will your communteation and terminal] costs be met? ARM attached memoran= dum desar{bes network conmections to SUMEX#AIM, S, If this ¢9 a development projects please indicate your jong=eterm plans for implementation of your software im an appifed context, keeping im mind the research mission of SUMEXSAIM, Final nate? Owe precedures are Stilt evalving and we welcome your suggeszions about this framework for exchanging information, Needless to say, eagh question ghould ba qualified a) "“{n so fap as relevant to your prepesal", and b) "to the extent of available. infopmation", Please. do not force a reply to a question that seems inappropriate, We prefer that you label {it as such so that ff can be dealt with property in further djalogue, Abeve ail we are eager to work with prospective users im any way that would help minimize bureaucratic burdens amd stil) permit a Pespansible regard for our accountability to NIH and to the public, Please do not hes{tate to address the substance of these reayjraments {a the form most canvenient to you, MEMQARANQUM SUBJECT: Network Sonneetions to SUMEXeATM DATE! Januaey 19, 1975 FROM? 2, Laviathal T, TYMNET ANtached are a. sat of imstruetions form usimg TYMNET and a listing of the available nodes and associated telephone numbers, The casts to vsers of using TYMNZT are the telephone charges fran user location ta the mearest TYMNET node, This is ayailabje only far communication to SUMEXsAIM and mot for other faellities that may bea conmegtad to TYMNET, Im some cases there are "foreign exchanges" set up by users, These may offer tess expensive com= munication, Details as these posasib{}ities can best be jearnmed by calling tha maagrest TYMNEY made, The talephone company ean give information on comparative costs of leased lines, toll charges, etc, The inital capital investment for the TYMNET installation as well as the log-in and hourly charges are provided by SUMEX#AIM, These atandard usage eharaes om TYMNET are about $3,00/connect=hour, Attachments: (1) TYMNET Instructions (2) Network service node access for TYMCOM=III Users 1X, ARPANET SUMEX@AIM is connected to the ARPANET, Our mame ts SUMEX=AIM,Our address js deaimal 53, oetal 70, This provides canvenient access for ARPANET Hosts and Associates and those who have accounts with ARPANET and communicate through a TIP, Mlehael Haataman Oetober 1974 USING TYMNET Using SUMEX#AIM via the TYMNET network Whem communicating with TENEX via TYMNET, it be myst pememberd that one is talking to TENEX via an indacendant system © TYMNET, Ags such, a canmaction must first be astablished with TYMNET before communtcation with TENEX {8 possible, Alsore a TENEX sasston termination (for any reason) dees mot Necessarily jmoly the termination of the TYMNZT eonmnestion Cand billing Simede The following paragraphs outline the TYMNET eamneet and disconnect PrPeqeduras, ENTERING THE TYMNET SYSTEM! The speeifig procedure for contacting the computer depends on the terminal apPangement, Two typ{cal communication devices are the data modem Cacawstie coupler) and the Data Phone, ‘The procedures for using these. two devices are deseribed here, Tymshare operates terminals {m the #ull dumiex mode, Cheek your terminal far a Full Duplex/Half# Duplex mode switch, In addittoms some terminals have am Upright/Imverted code. switch, This switeh show)d be in the Upright position, If you have any questions about using TYMNET, conmtact your Tymshape representative, Data Modem: 1, Pyt the terminal in the Jines op compute mode, 2, Be sure that both cords from the terminal are plugged into the modem and that the modem is plugged inte a a standard wall outtet, 3, Using a regular telephane, dial the Tymshare computer PUMbE Rs 4, When the answer tone sounds, place the telephone handset {nto the modem {mn the orientation indicated o1 the eouplery push the modem!s ORIGINATE button, Data Phonet 1, Put the terminal {nm the lines of compute mode, 2, Depress the TALK button, 3, Otal the TYMNET number, 4, When the answer tone sounds, depress the DATA sutton amd replace the handset, TDENTIFYINS THE TERMINALLY A3 socom a3 the commaction to TYMNET {8 mades the system tyens on the tereninal and sands 4 measage, This message is sent at |) tharacters per sseand and 13 readable only om a 10 cpa terminal, On other terminals, a Sequence of characters wil) print, and them tre terminal will paus@, Tyse the idantif¢ieation eharacter for your terminal, This character tejls thea system wateh cade amd whieh transmission speed ta yse ta eammunicate with your terminal, Than the system will return the carriage and display, PLEASE LOG INy Tee table below tists the tdentifiaation characters, If you have a Question about whieh ome anpalies to your particular terminal, contact the SUMEX staff, TOENTIFICATION CPS EXAMPLES COMMENTS CHARACTER IN/OUT : ROME DSF SER HORE RETO THERES TPES HEPES SFOS HRS KHMER SE PERSE SFA ENERO TER 0 10 Mode| 33 Teletype OP RTOS STITCH STH ET HORSE ES HES P STE HSS SE RTOS PUP SPOS OH PTFE PSS NEM SSE RESO 8 AS Mode! 37 Teletype ASCII PPV AP HSE STH TSS POSTE TE HR ES SFOS CSA ACSEPECFS SOP EO SNES MRM ETSR SOF EVE ESTOS Pee ee y we Carriage 15: IBM 2741, Datel, Correspondence Code Return Dura, Novar Oe OR OEE ERE ERS RENEE ERNE NEE REO ETE RPE RARE EES EER EEE ES REE Ee J 15° Mode} 37 Teletype ASCII (even parity) OOO 88RD O ETE E ENEMAS RPE THORNE EER NERER PERE ES SETTER SEEDS TE NAEe F 15/30 Tymshate 1030, Recommended over C where Execuports, Gulton, telephone Jine auality SynerData {s marginal] EF ee FH OE Se Ee A He Pe OBE OO DO wD Se A Oy em Om Oe mm OF mm OD EH AP IS SE OD Oy Om Om OF Be WO OY UE OOO Om Oe my moe OO A 30 CRT Terminals Pe ED 8 FF Fe FO ED OS Oy © FOF OF & 8 Ww Fe Op Oe om OF FF FF On OF On SF OD OD DD OP OD ED OE PS aE C 30 Tymshare 1030, OCT 500, Guitom, Syner=Data PRORH MEST OH RRP OER RHETT HO SHWE CTS ; G 30 Memorex, The particular character used GE TermiNet 300 depends on tha Carriage STOR TT EAE ED NERA TEPER EN EENE ERR eR HeMMemeee Raturpn speed of tha termina] E 30 Execupores, TI725, NCR230 COPA N CURE TEETER RENN ORR Nee EE SER ee EE Pee eeee I 30 TI733_2 TL735 CSE SH URE REET HENNE EE PERSE PSO HEH HERE SHRM SH RIRS SNH PMA PTET HM ORE w wm LOGGING INj Tra log {m procedure requires tyolng a user name and Dassword, borer of which ara registered with Tymshare, The systen checks both the user Mame and the password bafore admitting the user to the system, Aj} SUMEX*AIM@TENEX Users of TYMNET have tha same user mame and password) the use nana, in this sasa, actually being "sumex" » a sost mama idemdifying to TYMNEY the systam desired by the user, The current password eam be obtained from the SUMEX staff, Attar the system types PLEASE LOG INt, the user tyees a carriage Return, The system replies with a request for the yse mame, The user types his user name followed by a Capriage Return, Tha. syatam next ree quests the Password, The yser types the password followed by a Carriage Return, For security, the computer does mot print the password on the terminal, PLEASE LOG IN: PASSWORD! IT? there are typing errors while loaging ing the system rep}ias with ERROR, TYPES followed by another request for that information, To abort a TYMNET lagim sequence, hit the ESC kay, and TYMNET will start the login Sequemce over, In the following example, the user types am unacceptable WSer Mamee Corrects his error, and camtinues to tog Im, PLEASE LOG IN: «CRo USER NAME} sumx ERRORs TYPES USER NAME} sumex WASSWORD? . Once the user {8 thoreygnly familfar with ¢his leg im procedure, an alterpmate and faster method ean be used as: follows? PLEASE’ LOG INt sumex: (CNomeprintinga password here) A semicojon. must be typad between the user mame and the password and a Carriage Return should follow the password, The error diacrosties ape tha same pegardiess of whieh jog in procedure iS used, When the system indicates an error, the user can correct the error and type. the rest of the jog in information im the normal way, Tne user 18 aljiowed two minytes to log tm, This time limit is sez for secur(ty to preyem: an illegal user from accessing the system, If the log {m. {8 not.domplete: within the time limit, the system prints a disconnect message and khamgs up, Once a success Ul commaction to the TYMNET has been completed, SUMEX*AIM=TENEX should respond with {ts logim herald, and the user should login ¢ TENEX im the mormal manner, CAlmoat, that is, To (maure that type ahead will mot Peveal] OnmeS passwords terminate user name with CR op Altmode), When Yogginmg out, TENEX automatically breaks the TYMNET connection; however, it does. mot do so whan detaching, In that case, one must hang up the telephone to! terminate the TYMNET ceomneetion, If the telephone is sung wo for the TYMNET connection {3 otherwise broken) white using TENEX on tha TYHNET, TENEX wil! detaer tha jobs wait 20 minutes, them kill the Job,