fens OT R UCi a 8 1975 B&= —“/om RY a - : ans DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE | NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH BETHESDA, MARYLAND 20014 October 15, 1973 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alto, California 94304 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Enclosed is a draft statement of the Management notions of the SUMEX AIM computer resource. The statement is intended to provide the base for launching shared computer resources as well as specific features of the SUMEX operations. It is presented for your appraisal, comments and suggestions. The second and subsequent pages are suggested agenda items proposed for discussion at the first meeting of the executive committee. If you find no serious deficiencies in the management proposed for SUMEX, we should close on the membership of the executive committee and proceed to its first meeting. Very sincerely yours, z Bill William Roy Baker, Jr., Ph.D. Assistant Chief Biotechnology Resources Branch Division of Research Resources Enclosure SUMEX-AIM RESOURCE MANAGEMENT The SUMEX computer resource is an activity dedicated to the support of artificial intelligence in medicine. It is a shared resource (shared mainly through computer networking) having two separately identifiable operational entities. First, sumEx! , serving the Stanford Community; and second Artificial Intelligence in Medicine? (AIM), that portion of SUMEX shared by the national community. SUMEX resource management requires at the beginning representation from Stanford, the national community of users, and the sponsoring agency. The Stanford represen- tation must insure that the institutional environment is continuously receptive to the operation of the shared resource, Acceptability, stability, and utitity of the resource requires continuous attention by a representative knowledgeable of user needs. The sponsoring agency must maintain program balance as other shared computer resources are added to the program, The support provided to the national user community through AIM will cover communication traffic costs and AIM usage. The support of user activities at their own institutions (c.g., salaries, travel costs) will need be provided through mechanisms other than the AIM-SUMEX grant award to Stanford (e.g., research project grants from N1U or other sponsors), The following arrangement is based upon past resource management experience and an estimation of significant management issues in resource sharing. Group Composition Function Executive Committee SUMEX P.I.; BRB Representative; Establish and coordinate advisory activities; Representative of User Constituency; Allocate resources between host and non-host (Also Candidate for future Shared activities; Specify operating policies for Resources Advisory Group (SRAG)) resource; Monitor operating practices of resource; Specify nature and timing of changes in resource capacity. Stanford Advisory SUMEX P.I. (Chairman); selected Plan and monitor core R&D and collaborative Committee others. activities; Monitor operating practices of the Stanford portion of resource; Allocate Stanford portion of resource. AIM National Coordinating Group SRAG Representative (Chairman); BRB Recommend operating policies for the resource; (To become a Sub-Group Representative (Executive Secretary); Specify nature and scope of activities eligible of SRAG) selected others, to use AIM portion of the resource; Allocate AIM portion of the resource; Monitor AIM uses of the resource; Recommend augmentation as need arisc. BKB Shared Resource National membership sclected to cover Advise BRB on policies and actions to meet the Advisory Group (SRAG) technology and science of all BRB needs of biomedical research through research Shared Resources; BRB Representative resource sharing. (Executive Secretary). Plan for SUMEX-AIM Resource Management - Page 2 The following is proposed as the business to be discussed at the first meeting of the Executive Committee. A. Allocation of Capacity The Artificial Intelligence for Medicine (AIM) resource represents 50 percent of the machine capacity of the SUMEX grant application. The initial AIM capacity (50 percent) is to be allocated for. use by the national community by mechanisms established by BRB. Allocation of the remainder of SUMEX capacity, also initially 50 percent, will be determined by the Stanford Advisory Committee. Administration of AIM The SUMEX-AIM Computer Resource will be initially configured to meet the service needs of the ensemble of initial users3 as identified in the SUMEX application and reviewed by NIH. The Executive Committee will advise BRB on the allocation of SUMEX capacity, Excess capacity is expected to be available for new users with initial users and Stanford SUMEX usage permitted on a second priority basis. The proposed config- uration and initial allocation of machine capacity and initial scheduling of time will be determined by BRB with advice from an Executive Committee (consisting of the principal investi- gator, a BRB representative, and a specifically qualified member of the computer science community). The SUMEX resource will provide BRB with AIM usage information on a monthly basis and assist in developing prediction data for planning future allocation. (a) Because of the substantial computer knowledge base of ‘the initial users, the SUMEX burden of introducing users to AIM and facilitating their day to day use will be small. Therefore, this activity will be handled initially by the SUMEX resource staff. (b) The AIM National Advisory Group will be charged with advising .the Executive Committee of the need for future augmentation of SUMEX to facilitate the effectiveness of AIM service to its user community if such augmentation is needed. (c) Informal training activities in AIM will be initiated on advice from the Executive Committee and BRB. Plan for SUMEX-AIM Resource Management ~ Page 3 C. The Initial SUMEX-AIM Budget Funding (10/1/73 - 11/30/73) 1. Personnel 1.0 Director 1.0 Network user planning 1.5 Software pianning 0.5 Hardware planning 4.0 FTE Direct Salaries $84,000 Staff Benefits 14,280 $98,280 2. Supplies, Phones, travel, etc. (not including AIM organizing committee travel, etc.) 5,000 3. Interim computer usage (e.g., at ISI), terminals, etc, 25,000 Net Total Direct $128,280/Year “or $10,690/Month Indirect costs @ 47% on $128,280 = $60,292/Year Plan for SUMEX- AIM D. Resource Management - Page 4 Administration of Applications for Use of AIM There will be established a mechanism to make potential candidates of AIM service aware of this resource and the process of application for introduction and use. The focus of administration will be centered through NIH. The proposed process is a sequence of steps by the applicant, AIM National Coordinating Group (CG) and BRB staff as follows: Action by: NIH - Public Announcement APPLICANT + Submission of Prospectus of Problem(s) and need for AIM Resource Capability AIM CG - Review of Prospectus Covering: (a) level of scientific merit (b) relevance to AIM objectives (c) determination of whether informal training is required before becoming a candidate user or that the applicant is a candidate user (d) estimation of increased resource sharing burden at AIM and the home institution of the applicant (e) recommendation of augmentation necessary for AIM to handle the load introduced by this application EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - Selection of AIM User NIH - Advises applicants concerning results of review AIM-SUMEX - Introduces approved applicant to network and AIM Resource Plan for SUMEX-AIM Resource Management - Page 5 The Coordinating Group will meet as frequently as required to handle AIM transactions. The applicant, as necessary and at the opportune time, will apply for and obtain funding from appropriate sources (Categorical Institutes, BRB and other sources). 10/12/73