April 22, 1953 Dr. D. M. Bonner Yale University OBL New Haven, Connecticut Dear Dave: I enclosa a transplant of K-12, directly from our lab stock. I have not looked at it explicitly: we have had no trouble whkth mucoid character on most of the media we use. As I remember, some prototroph recombinants, though usuaily not K-l2 itself, would tend to bscome aucoid on Davis! minimal ugar, especially after a couple of days at room temperature, I suspect it would help to cultivate the bacteria at 37°, and to use the Tatum-Gray rather than Davis' ag the minimal medium, if this is raquired, if thia K~iz culture behavaa Like the ove you ave, you had better give 468 Mors d6talid of ihe clireumstancea undew which you are having trouble. Yours sincerely, Jostna Ledarberg