ACME DENDRAL SUMEX#1a SUMEX#e2 DENDRAL SUMEX Renullad Chronology of the founding of the SUMEX Project, RR-90311 was {m 068! Aug 1, 72 == July 31, 73 by aam, extension while SUMEX/DENDRAL resource applications were being considered, Cf. Final annual resort May 73, Since 10/71 tnvolved in elans to move to SCIP, {What a history thefe== see appendix}, {ACME presumably funded fram August 1 1966,,.} RR=00612 was in #02 12/31/72, Started S/1/71 as resource=related research, Ed Feigenbaum was PI at that time, Submitted June 1 1972, This was to be a faollowom to ACME, to serve a selected group of STANFORD userse imceluding NENDRAL, and emphasizing real=time interac of devices and miniwmachines with a large central processor, Sitewvisited 9/11"12/72 Study#Sectian deferral letter 10/24/72 Bill Raub raised idea of mational base 10/27/72, (we had partaltel apalication im works for DENDRAL renewal as I recall strategy was that this could be the vehicle for amendment and reviston of the SUMEX part,} Conditional suremase order to DEC 12/28/72, Submitted as Additional information 3/15/73 Ad Hoe site visit 3/18#19/73, Many discussions om management organization with Baker, etc, during February, Sone addenda were prepared during the site visit to accomodate various concerns, Note transition of Jamtgaard role during this imterval, Notificatian of award 4919973 renewal, Lederberg PI, submitted 5/1/73, EAF thought ke was going to ARPA; This application overlapped SUMEX im re funding for computer time, There was substantial megotiation over budget, management issUYes, primarily with Baker during this interval, Award, with peduced budget, 713973 Start date 12/1/73 with various segotiations over budget detail and financing plan, 11/26/73 First AIMEXEC 12/nn/73 Formal letter of award}; several addenda Grant is formally dated 10/1/73e7/31/78, Machine delivered MArch 1, 1974 and operational in 1 week, Accepted on April 19, 1974 Dedication Nov, ivr 1974 Nmaqoing orocess of bullding and maintenance. 2.9, Swapeing drums arpanet and tymnet interfaces} Dual proceSSOtarnecee recOrd of key personnel,