OFFICE MEMORANDUM e@ STANFORD UNIVERSITY #® OFFICE MEMORANDUM @ STANFORD UNIVERSITY e@ OFFICE MEMORANDUM To From SUBJECT: Date: November 9, 1972 SUMEX Collaborators J. Lederberg Report on our Application and Site-Visit (June 1, 1972); Sept. 11, 1972 Our application was deferred, with a rather strong line on how it might be revised and then be fundable. Our case for a broad-base resource was rejected, mainly on the grounds that we had failed to demonstrate a need for a large realtime resource, like the PDP-10 we had contemplated, for most of the collaborating projects. We were encouraged to submit a drastically reduced revised application along lines that would support mainly the DENDRAL Project and perhaps also function as a "resource" for other artificial-intelligence-oriented projects at other institutions, with access by way of national computer communications networks. We of course have little choice but to proceed in response to these rec-= ommendations, and will do so in time to meet a December 4 deadline. I regret that this outcome impedes the possibility of a formal arrange- ment of working together with most of the proposed collaborators. If we are funded, I will make every effort to find legitimate ways for mutual help and to support at least the sharing of common intellectual concerns and in- sights. We are quite uncertain as to the prospective guidelines for the shared use of the diminished facility, which may however become possible on some sort of fee basis. I will try to keep all interested parties informed about further devel- Opments. Finally, my personal thanks for the considerable effort that so many of you made in preparing the case for the site visit team. Sincerely, Distribution: C. Constantinou, C. Djerassi, E. Feigenbaum, G. Franklin, D. Harrison, L. Herzenberg, B. Kopell, E. Levinthal, T. Roth, T. Stamey, B. Stenson. ec ‘for you information’ sent to the Medical Center Computer Facilities Planning Committee. WNONVYOWFW 391ddO © ALISHRAINN GYOINVLS © WNONVYOWAW JdDIddO © ALISYTAINN GYOANVIS © WNGNVYOW3SW 3dIdJO @ ALISUZAINN GYOANVLS @