February 4, 1953 Dr. Ds. Me Bonner Yale OBL New Haven, Conn. Dear Dave Eather and I are delighted to hear you had finally been vindicated. We appreciated that you tock the trouble to let us knov about it. It just makes ue damn sore that anybody had to be put through the wringer In case you noticed the postmark, we are down here at Chamblee, near Atlanta, spemiing a couple of weeks at the Salmonella Center down here-- PeRe Edwards' lab at the Commmiveable Disease Center—— gleaning cultures, sera, whatever. En route, we had a chance to go through New Orleans etc. which was a most delightful firet visit to the South. I won't mention the obvious things we don't like down here (which only help shame what goes on "up Nerth" for that matter), but it has been rather nice to get away from the zero weather we'd hed in store for us in Madison. We'll be starting back end of next week, and hope to stop at Oak Ridge to see the Atwoods. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg