MAY 7 1975 Dear Sauls AY 7 ID We Rave been giving a good deal of thought and attention to the issves raised by your Propesal to augment your 10 at Rutgers, This response has been discussed with Ed Feigenbaum and Fllfet Levinthal ee well as with Tomy bue IT felt we should not carry it beyend oyr own two groups without further eonsultation with you, Briefly, there are two maim reasons why I do mot think that we should recommend the use of the SUMEX@AIM grant as a vehicle for this Puroose, 1) T believe that this pattern of extension of the SUMEX= AIM system is a significant departure from the charter that was aythore ized by the RR Council ew imvolving as it dees not onty a siqnificant capital investment, but am INEVITABLE commitment for further operational BuppoFt In the future and 2) serious technical and especially MANAGERIAL problems of supporting two distant systems im a way that would really accemplish the backup goals that are the rationale in the present proposal, In the light of our extensive experience with efforts te sustain day to day compatibility with IMSSS and with other network TENEXes, our Staff is Umanmimous that only an authoritative single management of the two facilities would make it actually work to these goals, I am syre that you would be as loathe to delegate such responsibility as we would be to assume its at its best, and even with "*ul!l authority", fe would be a mamagerial mightmare, We do have an alternative proposal that would answer the technical issues of 2), Amd as for 1), we would afl) offer yoy the strongest support im defense of a project propesal from you before the appropriate study seetion and Coumeil, Amd we can transmit as much more detai! as you wish about the technical problems w= the simplest would be for vou to talk te Tom and Rainer, The alternative option that we have in mimd would be an augmene tation of your system with the aim of giving the SUMEX#AIM community access to TOPSe10 as a complement to TENEX, This would greatiy bemefit SUMEX=AIM ysers who are having difficulties im adapting their programs to TENEX{! We believe many of these problems will eventually be solved, but some perhaps on)y at unreasonable ex Pemse compared to Just having time available on a TOPS#10 machine, Also the conversions would be very much facilitated i# we could examine the punning eode as {t was IN FACT being executed under TOPS#10, In our opinions, thia widening of options te SUMEX@AIM users would be of greater benefit as a return for augmenting your system, tham would be the exact duplication of SUMEX=tenex, With efficient communication between eure two systems, there may even be ocecasions when users would Pun Progpam segments aiternately under TENEX and under TOPS#10 in accordance with the availability of the appropriate software,In fact there are a number of very imteresting experiments om interesystem coordination amd coopera» tiom that would be advanced by this complementarity, and wil! be of ute most importance in the future development of compyter networking and the concept of division of Jabor among functionally specialized centers, tr the Om Lernoylre PR BOY - Qian fractionation of capital investmente= and commitment to the future costs that will follow with {¢ == are mot the most cost effective use of available funds, (For example, im a year or two, when we are more heavily loaded, the upgrading of the KI to a KL processor can Probably give us a 2 or 3X imerease im thruput at relatively little cost, We are at a poimt om the investmentayield curve (taking stating also inte account) where it makes jittie sense to distribute the investment into frag= MOntS, We can sympathize that ome motive for lecal avamentation may be the stil! imperfect state of communications across the country compared to the local phone cali, We think this is subject to continued improvement and certaimiy wil) support any reasonable steps to make working on the System more comfortable for you and your colleagues, Josh Dear Sauls We Rave been giving a good deal of thought and attention to the {ssues raised by your proposal to augment your 10 at Rutgers, This response has been discussed with Ed Feigenbaum and Eltfot Levinthal as well as with Tomy but I felt we should not carry it beyond our own two groups without further eonsultation with you, Brieflys there are two main reasons why I do not think that we should recommend the use of the SUMEX*AIM grant as a vehicle for this puroose, 4) I belleve that this pattern of extension af the SUMEX« AIM system is a significant departure from the charter that was authors ized by the RR Couned! == involving as {t does net anly a significant eabita! investments but am INEVITABLE commitment for further eperationa) Support tm the future and 2) serious technical and especially MANAGERIAL problems of supporting two distant systema jin a way that would really accomplish the backup goals that are the rationale in the present propesal, Im the light of our extensive experience with efforts ta sustain day to day compatibility with IMSSS and with ether metwork TENEXes, our staff is unanimous that only am authoritative single management of the two facilities would make it actually work to those goals, I am sure that you would be as loathe to delegate such responsibility as we would be to assume {tt at its beet, and even with "full authority", ft would be a managerial nightmare, We do have an alternative proposal that would answer the technical issues of 2), And as for 1), we would al! offer you the strongest support in defense of a project proposal from you before the appropriate study section and Counei}, And we can transmit as much more detail es you wish about the technica! problems = the simplest would be for you to talk ¢o Tom and Rainer, The alternative option thet we have in mind would be am augmene tation of your system with the aim of giving the SUMEX#AIM community access te TOPS#10 as a complement to TENEX, ThiS would greatly benefit SUMEXAIM users whe are having diff(eulties im adapting thelr programs to TENEX} We believe many of these Problems wil! eventually be solved, but some perhaps only at unreasonable exe pense compafed to just having time available on a TOPS#10 machine, Also the conversions would be very much facilitated if we could examine the running code as it was IN FACT being executed under TOPS#10, Im our opiniom, this widening of options te SUMEX@AIM Users would be of greater benefit as a return for augmenting your system, than would be the exact duplication of SUMEXetenex, With efffeient communication between our two Systems, there may even be occasions when users would rum pregram Segments alternately under TENEX and under TOPS#10 im accordance with the aveilabijity of the appropriate software,In fact there are a number of Very interesting experiments om inter=system coordination and coopera tiom that would be advanced by this complementarity, and wil!) be of ute» most {mportamce {nm the future development of computer networking and the concept of division of labor among functionally specialized centers, t, the fractionation of capital imvestment== and commitment to the future costs that will follow with it -=# are not the most cost effective use of available funds, [For example, im a year or two, when we are more heavily loaded, the upgrading of the KI to a KL processor can PPobebly give us a 2 of 3X imerease in thruput at relatively little eost, We are at a point on the investmemtaylield curve (taking staffing also into account) where {t makes little sense to distribute the investment inte frage ments, _ We cam sympathize that one motive for toeal augmentation may be the still imperfect state of communications acress the country compared to the local phone call, We think this {s subleet to continued improvement and certainly will support any reasonable steps to make working on the System more comfortable for you and your colleagues, Josh