y “MANAGED>AMAREL NOTES} MON SeMAYe7S 6f43PM lo 5 Anak? Saul! e= Tom and I have given alot of thought to ways (nm which a Pigoroys prepasel for augmenting the Rutgers facility eauld be formulated on the rationale of further service to SUMEX@AIM as a community: end distingusihed fram what would be the selfwavident merits of further SYPPOrE to your awn research project, [The jattere IT believes would have to be given specific review by ean IRG im terms of a Separate specific proposal) and I think we must be very careful =we.g, 19 anticipation of eventual competitive renewal “= not to (nvade the prerogatives of that preview procedure under the colora= tiom of a BUMEX@AIM facilitation, And you will mote this {8s a private message (nf the light of the abvious delicacy of its substance,) We certainty ean see some benefits along the limes ef the backyp expedient we had discussed; but there are a lot of problems and we wonder if the full expense, to US as wel} as to YOU, of staffing so as to maintain day*torday plugetoeplug compatibility, as well as of the hardware costs, 18 Mot too much for the anticipated benefits, We have so many problems al= Peady in such areas a8 LISP version maintenance in maintaining program come patibility that we foresee a very substantial burden if we Jointly undertake the obligetion of deing this im response to such diverse user groups as wauld be imvelved im Rutgers cum SUMEX AIM, Nor would you want te delegate the mMamagement decisions ta SUMEX staf? that would be the most efficient way to accomplish this geal, Perhaps this {8 sti)] mot impossibiey it ie after all pe(marijy in the backup mode that the PERFECT compatibility weuld have to be implemented) so that 4¢# Your charter assured that, on Jegitimate eal! from SUMEX#AIM (the detailed rules fer which would be in the hands of AIMEXEC, but such as te assure that vital demonatrations, clinica! applications, report generation and the liker gould be continued at Rutgers during scheduled SUMEX downtimes and im some measure im response to unseheduled), that Rutgers would mount the CURRENT SUMEX vermion of TENEX and of support 4iJee Clike the FORTRAN, SAIL and LISP. libraries), some more comfortable latitude might be feasible for speciajization of the two systems, Unfors tunately, some of these systems are so written that users do not have the option af calling on one or another alternatives and the software effort te remedy that stupidity would at this point be prohibitive, Rainer Schulz will shertiy message you about some measures of the effort that would be (nvelved im your bringing ue TENEX, That should not be dif#{ecult, You will else reautre probable one fulltime additional pers Som with the resonsibility of Jfaisonm with SUMEX, and we may indeed have te augment our own setAff almost as much for the sAme purpose, And then we have te solve the problem of file transfers DATACOMPUTER 18a Possible future option, (@ (8 down at thie very moment, and it is obvious that it is mot a reliable expedient this year, In all candor, I do believe that from the SUMEXAIM perspective, the proposed investment moe and the probable future costs that wil) follow with {t == are the most cost effective use of available funds, [For example, im a year op twos when we are more heavily loaded, the upgrading of the KI to a KL processor ean prebebly give us # 2 ef 3X increase im thruput at relatively little cost, We are at a point on the investment=yield curve (taking stafing also inte @ccOUnt) where (t makes Jittle sense to diateibute the investment into frag= Ments, HOWEVERs there {8 another area where {t would be sensible to experime: with some diversification of service, and the augmentation of your facility y @MANAGEDAMAREL NOTES) MON SeMAY@7S 6543PM might be a very effective way to ga into this, namely ¢f you were to fecus on a totally different mode of COMMUATEY SUPPOPE, OsGeer bY FURMing TOPS#10 for its monwTENEX gyecessors) for the benefit of SUMEXPAIM Users who are havil di¢¢iculties in adapting their programs to TENEX! We believe many of these Problems will eventually be solved, but some perhaps only at umpeasonable ex pense compared to just having time available on a TOPS@{0 machine, Also the conversions would be very much facilitated i* we could examine the running code as it was IN FACT being executed wader TOPS#10, In our opinien, this widening of options to SUMEX@AIM users would be of greater benefit as a return for augmenting your system, than would be the exact duplication of SUMEX#tanmex, With efficient commyunieation between our two systems, there may even be occas{ons when ysers would run program Segments alternately under TENEX and under TOPSe10 {nm accordance with the availability of the appropriate software,