DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE 4040 North Fairfax Drive NATIONAL CENTER FOR Arlington, Virginia 22203 CHRONIC DISEASE CONTROL REFER TO: KDC/PPS January 3, 1968 Joshua Lederberg, Ph.D. Professor of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alto, California 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Your recent letter, and article titled "Moribund Patient's Trust Is At Stake" in the Washington Post answer many of the issues that I posed in my inquiry. I am particularly interested in your recommendations that mutual health clubs be established to maintain a large pool of available kidneys, and that an insurance policy be provided to protect the living donor. Mutual health clubs should be valuable in the future when trans- plantation between non-relatives is more successful and widely accepted. The providing of an insurance policy would resolve much of the moral and legal concern that we have for the donor who derives little or no benefit from the donation, and might possibly be seriously injured by the surgi- cal procedure. At present efforts are being made by Mr. William Curran of Harvard and Dr. Stason of Vanderbilt to draft a model law permitting persons to donate their organs for use after death. This proposal will be presented this summer for evaluation to the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws of the American Bar Association. If approved it will subsequently be sent to the various states for consideration in the hope that state legislators will alter their existing laws on organ procure- ment. I want to thank you again for answering my letter and would appreciate the opportunity of soliciting your assistance in the future as we further investigate these problems. Sincerely, 2 ; | i Stanford U. Medical Schcol - Genetics OMAim @ R ‘ ananosds O fie © Return © Discard Laurence R. Tancredi, M.D. into —> O Dispese Medical Consultant O Buy © Send Kidney Disease Control Program © Record © 7X National Center for Chronic Disease © Request © Transcribe Control 0 (Cay Day |