STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94304 Area Code 4ty DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS | DEC 198 1968 Professor Jushus Lederberg 321-1200 The Very Reverend Canon Michael Hamilton Washington Cathedral Washington, D. C. Dear Canon Hamilton: I would be grateful to you for information you may have available on: A fuller account of your thoughts on genetic engineering. (I confess I am somewhat at a loss to understand the general anxiety displayed by so many people about voluntary modification of the human body, and a total absence of persnective ubcut the total immersion of our culture in forces for dominating the wind. Cuenteal control of behavior is anathema --as perhaps it should be-- but the muss: media and their control are shrugged off. ) (VALTIM YH! a "ine: clipping from the N.Y. Times Dee ll, 1968 Thank you, hn bint AEE WR SS / Joshua Lederberg ZY “i NOTE: I write a weekly column on "Science and Man" for the Washington Post and affiliated newspapers. Your information may be helpful to me in drafting future columns.