STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94304 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS OCT 22 {968 Professor Joshua Lederberg Dr. Earl G. Droessler SUNY Albany, N.Y. 12203 Deer. Dr. Droessler-- I would be grateful to you for information you may have available on: The Conference cn Veather Modificetion -- reported by you in Science for 11 October Were ony of the vapers distributed? I would be porticulerly interested in an anplification of discussion of the issues of pub- lic policy, end es you mention, the requisite development of public understanding. If the popers were not distributed, I would be Bux“ grateful to you for literature references covering similar ground. I would be eager to scan fairly conprehensive reviews covering the technical fessibilities now forescen, and explicit steps now being to,en or conternplated for legislation and for public recognition. Your comporison with tspece' is obviously over medest. Cc Iwas talking recently with some of my fricnds interested in Gesolination snd water-reuse. large copitel investnents are,ob- viously, at stake. Has therebeen any serious discuscion of the implications of technolorical forecasts on weoather-mnodification for the most effective potterns of investment for water supplies? At any rete, I would be grateful to have as wide a range of aterisl as is svailable, and I would urge you to be overgenerous. pln kee. Joshua Lederberg “| NOTE: I write a weekly column on "Science and Man" for the Washington Post and affiliated newspapers. Your information may be helpful to me in drafting future columns. Area Code 415 321-1200 W3I7SSF0Ng