STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94304 Yo DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS Area Code 4:5 Professor Joshua Lederberg 321-1200 August 2, 1968 Dr. Harold Aaron The Medical Letter Drug and Therapeutic Infermation,Inc. 505 #, 45 Street New York 10917 Dear Dr. #aron I would be grateful to you for information you may have available on: I would like to write a column on the Medical Letter, and would appre- ciate as much background information as you can conveniently send me: its origins, original and present financing, impact on the profession, published criticisms (+/-), how you arrive at authoritative judgments, and how you deali with controversy and complain&$ about implied advertising. hosvy “A (For example, the 6/14 issue refers to an Insect Sting First Aid-- aren't you going to get 19 other-vendors on your back to mention their equally good products?) Your enterprise is a fascinating one, besides its obvious importance in medicine, as a way of making public disinterested technical advice. I am very much interested in the subtler kinds of pressures that interfere with this, and how you cope with them. Have you had any indication that detail men will pick up your comnents, either as adverse to their com- petitors, or occasiohally even laudatory about an established drur? Have you had any foundation or govt. support? Have you ever been ap- proached by the PMA about bloc support from them? (I assume you wouldn't want it; why £ can't physicians readily support sueh an enterprise and save you from as many pressures as possible.) flave there been expressions of support or otherwise fron organived medical societies? Froposals for block subscriptions? Can you stay afloat without tiem? Thank you, ~ | // Joshua Lederberg NOTE: I write a weekly column on "Science and Man" for the Washington Post and affiliated newspapers. Your information may be helpful to me in drafting future columns.