UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE INFORMATION DIVISION WASHINGTON, D. C. 20250 August 6, 1968 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, Calif. Dear Dr. Lederberg: Back on January 27 of this year I clipped a copy of your column entitled "Evidence Links Poor Diet to Forever-Stunted Minds" ~- partly because I found your comments provocative and partly because I had just completed a story for the Agricultural Research Magazine that seemed to fit in with the ideas you ex- pressed, ALWYVANAL Since that time our Information Division hes issued several articles and press releases on subjects included in your colurm, In case you have not received copies, I am sending the following items along to you, thinking they may be of interest: Press release, issued Feb. 27 -- announces shipment of CSM (corn=soy-milk) food blend; Agricultural Research, March issue (p. 12) -- story on CSM; Press release, March 6 -- describes new wheat-based blend; Agricultural Research, May issue (p. 14) -- story on amino acids; Press releases dated June 19 and 20 =~ announce research grants to Johns Hopkins and MIT for study of amino acid require- ments; ayaLinivsy Ldadsn Agricultural Research, August issue (p. 10) -- story on protein- fortified wheat flour; Press release, Aug. 2 -= announces shipment of protein-fortified flour to India and Iran. Ke I hope you will not think me presumptuous in sending this material, and that you will find it useful. Sincerely yours, (/ nAs,) Dreyer f De Tp reaeaad As ? O bt Hae zx mare tnt onatiton Officer 4 é wl Ae kk uh Un Dy, “ae ~ ; Lb. 4 Dhue ftps dh. AAT ae 3 “oO a hus hoy! Ae Tee ‘ Ei ADL . Te 5 “a tat th -}-- f . . : } Spare tia Tlaorn LH ae ek fudiina : FERAL EE Me Ere ha gh nnn,