DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WALTER REED ARMY INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH WALTER REED ARMY MEDICAL CENTER WASHINGTON, D.C. 20012 IN REPLY REFER TO 11 April 1968 Professor Joshua Lederberg, Nobe] Laureate, Department of Biochemistry, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California. Dear Professor Lederberg: I have followed your weekly column in the Washington Post with great interest. Especially instructive have been your discussions of genetic engineering and the problem of relating scientific knowledge to public policy. Recently, a colleague mentioned an article that you wrote earlier this year on mongolism with the suggestion of a:inew term, “metahuman"®, I auldn't find this article in my back Posts, Hence, I was wondering if you might have a copy and/or reprints of articles that explicate this concept more fully. Your help in this matter will be greatly appreciated, Sincerely rows Kila feud Julius Paul Research Political Scientist Dept. of Psychiatry, WRAIR 4/17/68 Sent S&M 10/23/66, 1/22/67 salqop 1004