February 26, 1968 Prof. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stamford University Medical School Palo Alto, California 94304 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Enclosed is a clipping which may interest you --- if you have not yet seen it. It is from Izvestia and quotes one of your columns in the Washington Post, The pertinent part, indicated in penciled brackets, be- gins as follows: "The scientific observer of the ‘Washington Post' Lederberg writes of the possible breakup of NATO and other regicnal defense organizations’ as a result of military use of atomic weapons", Sincerely yours, Nv Maecle Simon Black, Chief Section on Biochemistry of Amino Acids National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland 20014 ’ ! | 3, re > Lay Crp js Anas _t AAT parca rt . Ran, Pein 7 4 mor a 2» oudyct. tary a Ca ctiend cere { Arce bor wg iy ! . 1: A frewte ANG MA aL wy AAG 09 der . / be Ue~ We AL Nw, /” FEB 98 1968 Ji Yq i )