February 27, 1967 Mr. Judson Chrisney Director, Long Range Institutional Planning National Planning Association 1606 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20009 Dear Mr. Chrisney: Thank you for your appreciation of my writings {n your home-town newspaper. These are always welcome. Not as many people as you might expect take the trouble to write such an expression. I could add that they might be even more effective if addressed to the editor to help reassure him that he is not taking so much of a gamble in running what some other newspaper men have called an excessively academic kind of writing. I guess I am not so utterly confident about the indominability of the indi~- vidual ideal, especially when I see so many of my colleagues so utterly sure of their own approach to the solution to human problems that they are very willing to see them imposed without recourse. I agree with you about the need to go to the early years to establish the necessary motivation for development of taste. Part of my discouragement is that I wonder whether age 2 or 3 might not be the critical period, which is rather before the eduational system has an opportunity to lay hands on the child. So I suppose my first insistent remark would be the need for more careful research to find factual answers to some of these kinds of questions. The way the Head Start program has had to turn itself inside out is a very good example of what can happen when we try to promote serious action programs on an insufficient scientific basis. I am very glad to have the biennial report on the Association and will turn to it at my earliest opportunity. Yours sincerely, Joshua /Lederberg Professor of Genetics Dictated but not signed by Dr. Lederberg OH : i f ay Ail