OCT 24 1966 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO MEDICAL CENTER BERKELEY + DAVIS + IRVINE « LOS ANGELES + RIVERSIDE + SAN DIECO * SAN FRANCISCO SANTA BARBARA * SANTA CRUZ, CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH INSTITUTE SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94122 October 71, 1966 Joshua Lederberg, Ph.D. Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical School Palo Alto, California 94305 Dear Joshua: Many thanks for sending me the columns "Science and Man." As | expected, they are exceptionally in- teresting and pertinent. |! am sorry that they do not appear in San Francisco newspapers for al! of us to read, but if they have to be printed in one newspaper, the Washington Post probably influences more Congress- men than any other paper. Sincerely, | i it Litt: JULUUS: H. COMROE, JR., M.D. Director JHC/e|