JUL i7 1970 S. S. Route, Box 175A Corrales, N. M. 87048 July 15, 1970 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Genetics Dept. Stanford University Stanford, Cal. 94605 Dear Dr. Lederberg: We were quite surprised recently to learn of your public statements to the effect that population control in the United States at the present time is undesirable. In view of the growing Sclentific concern Tor onvironmental {séues Such as control © of air and water pollution we find it difficult to understand your position on population, since it seems obvious to us that overpopulation often contributes to these other ecological problems. Since we are all working toward a common goal - the preservation of our environ- ment ~- it seems tragic to us that leaders of the scientific community should begin qQuarrelling over whether or not population contrel is the main issue. We feel all environmental issues are interrelated so deeply that te become divided on their relative importance now can only mean further disasterous delays which our environ- ment can ill afford. No reply to this letter is expected, but we urge you to reconsider your public statements on population control and to work instead for a unified and effective popular movement to solve all our ecolegical woes. Sincerely, x Will you please enlighten ‘ne where you have read any such statement attributed to me? If by "control" you mean "coercion", I would have to protest -- both about the moral and the politically-effective aspects of proposals to use intrusive means to accomplish ends about which there can be no disagreement. Sincerely, Jee Kent oe oe a i