DEC 31 t96q SLIGO SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH (1 7700 FLOWER AVENUE [] TAKOMA PARK, MARYLAND 20012 [J (301) 585-2500 Dec. 29,1969 br. voshua Lederberg bDecartment of Genetics Stanfore University Palo Alto, Calif. Dear or. Lederberg, _in behalf of the Inter-agency Groups of the nation's capital 1 am making contacts for the support of a "stop-soking week" of activities, and final rally , to be held on Jan. 11,1970. ue have appreciated your excellent scientific columns, and would lodge a request with you that you orcpare a column te coincide with our rally day. we are requesting that, if possible, you prepare a column on the subject of "How to Stop Smoking", "Should I Stop Smoking", or "Loes Smoking Really Matter?"This could be publimed near to Jan, 11 if possible. With sincere anoreciation, 4 i too, ; L | } ff Hol UL isn febe Cth. oat h) . AY € We Cornfortiy, Associate Pastor L P.S. 1 find your columns in the Washin, ton Post, Yair Form reply