JAN 21 1969 THOMAS W. HUNTINGTON WASHINGTON, D. C. 20008 January 18, 1969 Re: ‘Hight to Breed! and right to be Dear Doctor Lederberg: treated for ‘Hormonal Imbalance, ! With reference to your article Concerning 'Right to Breed!: Would it be possible to SEPARATE (1) the right to BREED and (2) the effects of EXCESSIVE SEX DRIVE? (hormonal imbalance), Voluntary common sense prompts man to turn to his physician for relief from the Symptoms of typhoid, malari » and so many of the hormone irregularities (of thyroid, pancreas etc), Would it be possible, practical, to encourage the createst of our medical research centers to Study the cguses and effects of the normal and the abnormal SEX DRIVE? Today science does not give mch attention to this sex drive (symptoms, diagnosis, therapy or prognosis), ‘In my book “there shoud be SEPARATION of the two effects of sex-hormone imbalance: (1) the right 9 have relief from sex-hormone imbalance in the male body, and he 'RIGHT TO BREED? , "In my book’ the male driven by sex-hormone im balance is a sick man,I ask: Why should he not be entitled to physical or hormonal treatment which would relieve his sex- hormone imbalance? Most persons do not want even to DISCUSS it! Would it be possible to encourage the greatest of our medical research centers to study the physical, physiologicah and emotional backgrounds of both the Normal and the Abnormal SEX DRIVE (Hormone irregularity)2 I repeat my question in closing] Can you refer me to any substantial work being done along this line, Everything connected with ‘Birth Control! now deals with thew female? I infer you consider that the quality of of life and freedom would be enhanced if he had it within his power to LIMIT HIS RIGHT TO BREED while at the sane-time achieving SEX HORMONE BALANCE, ; .