CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS COLD SPRING HARGOR, LONG ISLAND, N. ¥. October 8, 1948 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Botany University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisc. Dear Lederberg: I have just learned that you are gcing to give a number of talks at Yale between November 2 and 4. I wonder if it would be possible for you to come here either before or after vour talks there and talk at our seminar. We will of course be glad to psy vour expenses as far os they are not paid for by Yale and to have vou stay here cver night or as long as you want to stay. Cur Seminars are usually held on Thursday afternoon at 4:15. I realize that vou cannot be here on Thursday and I would like to leave it up to you whet day or the week you would prefer to come here. Yleese let me know whether vou would be willing to come since most of the people here are anxious to heer about your latest results. With best regards, Yours sincerely, tt Ewa, E. W. Caspari