November 16, 1967 Dr. Gordon Allen 9627 Parkwood Drive Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Dear Gordon: I'm so much gratified that you are interested in my articles. I have contracted with Doubleday to make a book out of an annotated collection of these articles but ft will be the best part of a year before this is in print so it can hardly be of much immediate use to yeu. Mearwhile, the best I can de for you 4s to send you a set of xerocopies that I have made myself and leave it to you to arrange for any further disposition. J have to remind you that the copyright is legally held by the Washington Post but I am sure that Mr. Howard Simons there would be very happy to sign off their approval for the limited number of copies that you indicate in your letter. I would be very interested to receive comments on the articles though I would have to defend myself against the necessity of replying to them. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg, Professor of Genetics JL/gem Enclosures