September 8, 1967 Dr. Matthias Wegner Christian Wegner Verlag Hamburg 2000 Hamburg 1 Lippelstrasse 1 West Germany Dear Dr. Wegner: 1 am sorry to have delayed so long to reply to your interest in publish- ing ny series of articles. I have, however, just received word confirm- ing the arrangements that I am negotiating with an American publisher which provides the one opportunity to continue with a project along the lines you asked me about. I have not yet concluded a formal contract but this seeme to be eminent and I believe there is no reason why you should not make a direct inquiry. The arrangements I refer to are with Dobbleday and Company, Inc. at 277 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10017. I have been dealing with a Miss Maureen Mahon, Associate Editor of their Science Department. At this same time I have mentioned to them the possibility of your interest in sponsoring the German edition. Since it was essential that I not encumber the rights for the world market in arranging the American publication of this book I felt it necessary to give the proposal with Doubleday the first priority. I have no way of knowing how they would react to the pos- sibility of delegating the German rights to you or in making some agree- ment for some kind of joint sponsorship. I realize that this is perhaps not quite the conclusion that you would have preferred but I hope nevertheless that something constructive can be built from these foundations. If you are still interested may I suggest that you communicate directly with Miss Mahon. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL: bm v4 Vo3 M