April 26, 1967 Dr. Matthias Wegner Christian Wegner Verleg Hamburg 2000 Hamburg 1 Lippeltstrasse 1 West Germany Dear Dr. Wegner: I very much appreciate your interest in my series of articles on "Science and Man". I would be very pleased indeed to have this publishéd in German translation. However, I am p&anning to collect a series of articles for publication as a book in English, and it might be more appropriate for me to complete those arrangements before establishing a German version in book form. I will certainly keep your interest in mind in any negotiations that I may undertake with any American publisher. I will also keep you informed before I take any final action in this regard. Meanwhile I wonder if you might give me a little more information about your "Zeitbucher", perhaps with reference to some examples that may already have been published. From the fact that you sent me a cablegram I might infer that you are under some pressure of time and it might be helpful if you would explain that consideration to me also. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics yang