“\ October 5, 1966 7 Mr. Don Anderson, Publisher Wisconsin State Journal Madison, Wisconsin 5370{ Dear Me. Anderson: The weekly column that | had tn mind Is written by Joshua Lederberg, who used to be on the University faculty, but Is now at Stanford. I thought It might be of Interest to people (other than me) because of his _ former Mad! son connection, his status as a Nobe! Prize winner, end becouse of his wide erudition, t found the columns both Interesting and informative. It would go woll in your Sunday edition. In any case, here ere somo of the columns. | don't know whether this Is @ compiste Jist or not; If may be. | would Slko thom back somotine, but there Is no hurry. Let me repaat what | sald on the prone yestarday about tha New York Times news service. Tho stories are so much fuller and deeper than most of the other wire services thet your news coverage Is much better than It was ~~ to say nothing of having Roston end the other columnists. Sincerely, James F. Crow JFC/as