MEMO FROM TO: ws T™ J. LEDERBERG Howerd Simons Rc GENETICS DEPARTMENT RO STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA I wes intrigued about the technology/re newsp. you said you'd be workibhg on. Don't use The Tin Men ( a novel by Michael Freyn) as a model for the newspaper you're going to make. But do talk to Licklider (see attached column). Please let me know if I can help you in any way. We do quite a bit of work here with com- puters. You said once that new science/environment were the real stories of the decade. I'm feeling more ahd more that they are only a part: what we really have to Look at is our own cultural revolution. Whoever hired von Hoffman had a rea sense of that, notwithstanding the mindless- ness of some of his writing. The ‘generation gap' is only a piece of it; even Arthur Koest- ler said (at Stockholm) that our cultural heri- tage could be broken in one generation. (In a way that wes why I was so eager to put in that apologia-postscript to my piece about arson-at- Stanford, to be sure that my own students knew I understood that the present peace movement wes different.) Anyhow, we have a lot to do to join feeling with thought, to fill in the void between v.H. and myself. So that piece I sent you about Adem-to-Prometheus was right there. I'm still looking for an authentic counter-culturist; veH., Roszack and several others I've read do convey a message, but they' re not altogether free from fraud. Synanon may be the closest I've seen yet. Well I'm still looking. na é/%¢ i Ww Ger Pits .