STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94304 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS October 21, 1968 Area Code 415 321-1200 Mr. Morton Mintz The Washington Fost Washington, D. C. 20005 Dear Mr. Mintz: In a certain sense you are nit-picking, since I believe I made it perfectly clear what the main point of my article concerned. However, I will stand by the side remarks that yo. question. 1. "Safety in preventing pregnancy". The difference in our two points of view is that I regard it important that a contraceptive work, and you seen to be quite indifferent to that consideration. From the point of view of preventing an unwanted birth, and,in the particular context of this article, the possibility of a chromosome anomaly, the issue of preventing pregnancy is clearly one of safety J I believe my language was quite explicit on this point. -ZLNIW 2. Both intentionally and not, as you ought well to know, water is used as a spermicide. From the point of view of potential hazard to the sperm nucleus, I would argue, but only on very theoretical grounds, that water might be con- siderably more injurious than sulphuric acid. My concern is that water might still leave an injured sperm viable and capable of fertilization. However, it is obvious I still have not made my main point clear’ I this area as in many others, there are many commonplace practices that deserve the same level of statistical scrutiny as we all agree must be applied to drugs. I am solidly behind the substance of your efforts to insist on this kind of scrutiny, but I must admit that I find your style in doing it at least as irritating as you find mine. Sincerely yours, C TT bocce Ro. q * Joshua Lederberg ' Professor of Genetics % on ia “ws, a vecundiine Sn fehy by the PUM RNIN Qies ate PL Mon oe prtsasr Marsha. Ow: YR Ay rand. prt h LT. J. P. KENNE DY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY NTA MEDICINE cockrch, da c Agata at dmv f.< taped. Aten ‘2 fog Lean Ay eeB J AAALD .