STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94304 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS a Area Code 415 : 321-1200 Mr. Stephen S. Rosenfeld THE WASHINGTON POST Dear Mr. Rosenfeld- I appreciate your taking time to write me about your editorial of July 3. I will try not to prolong the exchange. Yes, I think that confusion about how fat the national science budget is seriously undermines the constructive efforts you ask. How can I begin | to justify the claim of science and science-education if my listener starts with the conviction that I am only a reflex complainer about not getting a regular 15% increase on a base of over $17 billion. With that kind of pre- judgment (and the POST is very infiluential in reinforcing self~-comforting i views, even if you don't always sell your positive messages) we can't even get congressmen to listen. It's not as if this were a unique error-- there is a whole cr@wd of John Lears spending their full time at debunking science, and pressing these confusions and exaggerations. You did quote Greenberg's book; I hope you will also give equal weight to his more recent analysis. This years cutbacks are going to hurt the universities, and badly. Even so, I think I would agree that other national programs probably deserve even higher priority. The scientists' screams have a factual basis (though of course you are right, there is a hysterical tone to them), but they are simply one particularly vocal reaction to the morass the country is being led into on every front, always excepting highway construction. ' Scientists do accept the responsibility of justifying the social support of their work -- there are of course many different answers, and they are not all convincing. We do serve on PSAC, NIH, NSF, NIMH etc. advisory councils, and so on, and through these channels we also try to advise on how best to take the bites. But we would be dping the country a disservice if we did not now warn as clearly as we know how of the longrange consequences of this kind of retrench- ment. -~ Sincerely, / | | wy A, bog (Nm PCa ~)- jf Joshua Lederberg ue LT. J. P., KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY , NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE i i: