July 23, 1968 Mr. Howard Simons The Washington Post 1515 L Street, N.W. Washington, DBD. C. 20005 Dear Howard: Further to the Washington Post editorial of July 3. That editorial made a great deal of a quotation from Dan Greenberg's book. I then also have to recommend gour reading the piece he wrote in Science, attached herewith, which may help bring you up te date. The situation reflected in his book is now long past history. It is hard to find people able to comment thoughtfully on this subject who are not vulnerable to criticism of self-interest. Why not ask him to write a commentary on the subject that might help ventilate both sides of this question? I have pondered replying to this question myself, but it would be awkward for me to respond pointedly to the editorial itself, and this somewhat blunts the force of my reaction. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics