July 17, 1968 Mr. Howard Simons The Washington Post 1515 L Street N.W. Washington, D. C. 20005 Dear Howard: The U.S.-Soviet talks on arms limitation have been suddenly reinitiated with very little preparation of the public mind. The way the election cam- paign is going, I doubt very much whether there will be a very enlightening debate on nuclear policy and international disarmament. I would like to suggest that you use one of your weekly Outlooks for a collection of articles on this subject, perhaps a minor version of the Daedalus volume. While there has been a flood of books and technical studies, there has been relatively little discussion of these issues in the press in recent years, and you could certainly do an enormous public service by refocussing attention on it. There are any number of people who, I am sure, would hasten to cooperate with you in organizing such a venture. The first name that comes to my mind is Jerry Wiesner. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics