July 8, 1966 Mr. Howard Simons Washington Post 1515 L Street N.W. Washington, D. C. 26005 Dear Howard: I am delighted to have your letter of June 21 and gladly accept the conditions. I will assume the agreement is an informal one, d.e., revocable without penalty by notice from either side. The $51 payment is entirely satisfactory for the present. If the column is widely syndicated there may be an argument to review the matter, but it is not my intention to pursue this for personal income. The extra $1 is not much to the point: I had hoped to arrange for airmail delivery of the Post but will take this up with your Circulation Department. We both hit upon Science & Comscience: but I would still prefer this as a subtitle. It strikes me as too self-conscious and restrictive a title. My friends here all like "The Next Move”. {I would not want to make a commitment for more than one column per week. But as the backlog is in danger of becoming dated, and spot comments may become of great interest in the future, is there any way of running an occasional second column on, say, Wednesdays too? For example my piece on “Black & White Noses" has become very timely in connection with the CORE/SNCC/NAACP hassle over fundamental issues. We can discuss these points over the phone. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL:eif