if 1 PriGn 82-1021 Don deKay, Publisher July 20, 1967 Mr, Joshua Lederberg Stanford Tnivers? ity School of Medicine Stanford Vedical Ganter Palo Alto, Galifornia 9430, Dear Mr. Lederber Ng * e We have been mast blessed wito your column. Tocal respons is sood. We boveht it from Tha Washington Post after Alvin Wein-erg called it to our attention, Tt liked particularly the one you beean with musings on gradua- tion exercises at Madison and the tron ny of the colored oleomar- garine action ty the Wisconsin Legislature. Such personal touches help encourage readers into your more involved ooints. itm enclosing tear sheets showing your last four columns on our editorial paze. We do not have a Seturd Gay or Sunday edition anc thus use your columns on MOndays » Te we ean furnish you with anymore tear shests, let us know. T hepe our tyvesetters did better by your "biology and law" column than the Postts, Cordiall Vs Eo Ne Ji Dick Smyser~ Manasing Eqitor ff tees - Jear iir., smyser- btn fic > . ‘ f In fact I would appreciate having the sheets for my columns that were released July 27, August 3, and August 19. As you know the Post had some difficulty.wita a strike; it is of course over max but I would like to be sure of getting clean prints. After all this time, I am finally getting my column into my home town paper! (fhat is the San Francisco Chronicle.) I don't have to tell you what a select readership you have in Gak itidge, and I am grateful for the opportunity ef reaching it via your peper.