pEC 15 1968 Institute for Scientific Information 325 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106, U.S.A. Telephone: 215/923-3300 Cable SCINFO December 12, 1969 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Genetics Department Stanford University Palo Alto, California 94304 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Some time ago Dr. Garfield wrote to you concerning the reprinting of selected articles from you regular "Washington Post"' column. I have recently talked to Miss Pamela Whitehead, secretary to Mr. Howard Simons of the "Washington Post", and she told me there would be no objection on their part provided we received your permission. We are now preparing to gather certain multidisciplinary journals into a single section which will be included in CURRENT CONTENTS/Life, CURRENT CONTENTS/ Physical, and CURRENT CONTENTS/Chemical Sciences. The planned feature of this multidisciplin- ary section is the reprinting of selected articles which you have written in the "Washington Post". There will also be, from time to time, "Current Comments" edited by Dr. Garfield in this same section. It would be sufficient if you would merely indicate your approval on the bottom of the enclosed copy of this letter. If you have any questions, please write or call me or Dr. Garfield. Director of Production RGM/ddd Enclosure