THE WALTER AND ELIZA HALL INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL RESEARCH POSTAL ADDRESS: POST OFFICE, ROYAL MELBOURNE HOSPITAL, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA. TELEPHONE 349177 AFFILIATED WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF MELSOURNE AND THE DIRECTOR: PROFESSOR G. J. V. NOSSAL ROYAL MELBOURNE HOSPITAL April 14, 1967. Professor J, Lederberg, Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford Medical Centre, 300 Pasteur Drive, PALO ALTO, California 94304, | U.S.A, Dear Joshua, The editor of The Age has written to me to say that he is very interested indeed in your column and has contacted the Washington Post with a view to arranging publication in Australia. Very sincerely, ti. uw J Cc Iam very grateful to you for your good offices on this. ‘Thnk you very much. Dear Gus-- If this does work out, could you ask the Age to send me a sub- cription, and bill me, for the one issue a week in which the column appears. It will be fun to see the column in that context, and also to rummage through incidental news of Melbourne (with many remines- cences for me); but I don't vran*t to sink the trans-Pacifiec steamers with too much paper. Should you ever be exmercised enough to want to press some urgent topic, please never hesitate to let me know about it. All goes well here; the best to you & Lynn. [/ APR 18 1967