Aprdil 4, 1950. Dr. J. Me Bonner, Yale OBL New Haven, Conn. Dear Dave: I am very clad to hear what progress you are making~ the beneficent stimulation by Stadler could certainly have been predicted. Give hin our best. It is certainly weloome to hear about some real genetic work being done on Neurospora. Has cnoush groundwork been laid sco thet you Imov what linked factors to use to check the correlation of tho nics mutation with oroseingover? I've had a somewhat analogous situation in coli: Lac, and Lac,- orossover considerably less than 0.1% However, they yield a Lacf diploid heterozygote. In seneral, they oan aleo be distincuishad by tielr action on butyl galactoside. But at first sicht, they were regarded a8 allelic. There ia one point on heterokaryons that I have been a little fuhatical about: were your tests necative because of the ineffeo-~ tiveness of a heterckeryon, or was no heterokaryon forme?! I have always felt that Independent evidence (viz. other markers) should be brought up for actual heterekargon fornation whenever this ie critiosn!. There is one other problem that may now be possible to attack in Jeurospora. A great mmy other fuhéi show evidence, more or less secure, for delayed reduction, occasionally resulting in diploid mycelia. Using closely linked factors, which should interact to give the wild type in a double heterozygote, one should be able to select more or lese effectively for such exceptions. Comparison of tipkeédaxnad heterokaryons prould really be an interesting problen. with heterocsypotes. I bring thie up only as an analogy to the cold diploids. If I an not wistaken, Ram Stadler is pretty much of the same mind as we aro on gene-enuyme relationships. vould 44+ be toc umrieldy for 211 three of vs to join forces? Sineercly, Josie Lederberg