Mareh 28, 1967 Mr. Frank Koch Director of Corporate Public Relations Syntex Laboratories, Inc. Stanford Industrial Park Palo Alto, California Dear Mr. Koch: I am enclosing some representative samples of the colurm “Science and Man" which now appears regularly in the Washington Post and is being syndicated to a number of other newspapers. I think I would say that its subject matter would be of very special interest to the Syntex family, not in any way because of my consultative arrangement with the Institute of Molecular Biclogy, but because of its stress on the social impact of scientific advance. Also, a considerable portion of the columns are directly devoted to subjects of immed— jate medical and pharnaceutical interest. On the other hand, I would have to say that they are sometimes ctftiical of the industry to which Syntex belongs, though I must hasten to add that every objective appraisal would place Syntex far in the lead in its appreciation of public responsibility. For these reasons, however, I think it would avoid some awkwardness if you did not stress my rela- tionship to Syntex in presenting the column, if you decide to do it, or in dis- cussing its acquisition from the Washington Post, but rather that the basis of your interest is in its critical content. Hoa It also cecurs to me that you might want to be somewhat selective and just run those columns that have some closer pertinency to pharmaceutical and medical problems. I do not think it would be worth the effort to negotiate a reduced rete from the Post for such selective usage, but you might think of it on your own account in terms of the competition for space in the Reporter. Since the Post has full rights to the colum, if you are interested you can communicate directly with the Assistant Managing Editor, Howard Simons, at 1515 L Street, N.W., Washineton, D. C. 20005, or if you wish, call me up for any additional background that you might like to have. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Gametics