OCT 12 1964 NEW SCIENTIST Cromwell House, Fulwood Place, High Holborn, W.C.1. TELEPHONE: HOLBORN 7554 TELEGRAMS: NEWSCIENT, WESTCENT, LONDON professor co. Lederbers, Jeoartnent of awenetics, stanford University i.edical Venter, Salo alto, valifornia, vear Joshua, T have deen viving a lot of thousat future develonnent of New scientist and javite your cooneration in -elvins us % naper. tn particular I believe that the and tnoushtfulness of the naver can be 41 we make substantially sre eter use of a Cc Scientists wero are also first-class writers. At present our voli beat it must in lopye monsure contiaus) is to publish aber nronared, often 2urriedly, oy whoever is tie exoert on a neubsect we are after. we do not re-write in the vay toat some other fournesls fo, becuse we like to oreserve the writer's incivicduallty. athe poe reOne soliched. nowever, is sometnins rather breathless end T would therefore like to suzsest that you misht undertake to write us a numoer of anti the cours® of &@& year, on subdsebs to oe asreed, wilen de wore essay-like (more relexed, reflective | 2 than either accounts of, or comments on : “ney micatv, of course, de timely in the Cr snould be prenared in a fairly leis surely mea en mhasis on exposition, one wursuit of stimuletins ane seneral literary ee in snort, we are anxious to revive ons colourful, ishtly wreitsen scientific essay, in modera suise and with a ae readership in mind. iy reasons Tor sus sesula} that you snould uncuerbexe a nunber of articles of this ‘sind in tic course of a year Cand PROPRIETORS: Harrison, Raison and Company Limited (Publishers of the NEW SOCIETY) the fisure that I heve in mind is betweea 4 and 5S, eacn of about 2000 words); are, first that you yourself may think 1b is not a one-off job but a continuin; «nd worthwhile pursuit naa, secondly, that our readers may come to ldencify you 5 the raner and look forward to your further contributioas. iG would expect to cay more than our usual rates for such a set of articles. Je are approaching a number of otner seonle time, so taat you woule de taking part in a seneral reinvisgorase science writins. ts should T heve no vreconcenrtions about imes the suogect e es snould 5 2 re Cc be or even what th seneral character of the articl pe - exceot that they should be roacdly emcer ned vi 1 ‘where we are join: with selence"”. in this pro3rann lieve Ghat the ideas should orisinate mainly froa the consributor and. that we should merely approve them in relation to wnat else ve are Loimy:. Unfortunately I do not exvect to visib tie vaited states until next year. if vou are not 502 So De in Tondon ia bae near future serhans we can work sonethin:s oub by corressondence. Wifh, Look wishes » ee Tours sincerely, Nivcel Jalder idiLtoer