IEEE-FRANKLIN INSTITUTE CENTENNIAL TECHNICAL CONVOCATION & AT THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, PHILADELPHIA, PA. ic OCTOBER 8 & 9, 1984 184 NFISEY THE INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS, INC. A CENTURY OF ELECTRICAL PROGRESS Commemorating IEEE's First Technical Meeting at The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, PA, October 7 & 8, 1884 Please Reply to: Exxon Research & APR L7' 1934 : Engineering Company Rt. 22E, Clinton Twsp. Cie Annandale, N.J. 08801 4 a presi April 13, 1984 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Josh: Thank you for agreeing to take part as a panelist following the keynote address at the IEEE-Franklin Institute Centennial Technical Convocation to be held on October 8 & 9, 1984, at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. The Program Committee (membership attached) will be pleased. The Convocation will begin with lunch on October 8 and continue all day on the 9th. The theme will be "The Second Century Begins" and the intention is to present a broad outlook on future electrical and electronic technologies. After dinner on the evening of the 8th, there will be a nationwide hookup by satellite so that the IEEE Sections can join the Convocation. The keynote address will be given by Barney Oliver, followed by a commentary by you, Alvin Toffler, and Charles Townes. Then there will be questions and answers from the remote audiences. We expect this whole session will last some two to three hours, depending on the audience reaction. The program has been broken into three sessions entitled: "Changing the System: Impacts of Electrical and Electronics Technologies on Human Endeavor in the Second Century" (specifically on space, information and communication, and medicine and biological systems); "Finding the Technologies: Major Technical Developments for the Second Century" (specifically in microelectronic technologies; computers, robotics, and cognitive science; and energy and power conversion); and "Priorities for the Second Century" (specifically integrated manufacturing technology, education, and R&D management). The Program Committee asked that I contact you for participation as a panelist (see attached program listing speakers and discussants who have accepted). TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE EDWARD E. DAVID, JR., Chairman Joseph Bordogna Nathan Cohn Harlow Freitag John S. Mayo Charles H. Townes Lewis M. Branscomb Bowen C. Dees Stephen J. Kahne Robert N. Noyce One additional point is important. The October Convocation is the technical capstone of the IEEE Centennial year. There will be other events at other times and places, aimed at power engineering, national technology policy, pure celebration of 100 years, presentation of IEEE Awards, and finally charging the younger members of the society to carry on. So, our event occupies a crucial place in the overall picture. I am glad you are accepting our invi- tation. 1 am looking forward to working with you. Best wishes, Att. (2) Edward E. David, Jr. Cc: B. M. Oliver Alvin Toffler Charles Townes