DAH. [stamped, DEC -- 1 1987] SAP stuff. Dear David -- I am certainly more than pleased at the decision to proceed. My qualms (if any) are only about the synchrony of our efforts with the presidential cycle We can address that as part of the Commission's own work. Likewise, how far we address the organization of the Exec. Office of the Pres. My work on (indeed the very need for) the Ikle-Wohlstatter [sic] strategy commission has impressed that on me! And a sitting president will never (?) appoint such a commission on that subject himself except in dire circumstances -- he might have to follow its advice! The Murphy Commission may be a useful prototype. And we could reflect on what impact it may have had. Particularly it published 7 volumes of appendices which are commissioned studies, [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] reports to it -- not necessarily imprimatur'd. I happen to have a spare copy of the 1 volume Report. We surely have a lot more to talk about. See you soon. Joshua x (3)