O The : 5[Rockefeller& THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY . University /< 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK. NY 10021 oO Ly v S* November 5, 1986 TOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. David A. Hamburg President Carnegie Corporation 437 Madison Avenue New York, New York 10022 Dear David: I may have a chance to see you before you get around to reading this but thought I should get some thought on the record. You may recall when I used to write a weekly column that one of the things that would bedevil me would be that I would start to think further about the very matters that I had ad- dressed, and that could get me into a variety of concerns. This has happened to some extent about the piece that I wrote about PSAC. I have been surprised to get very little flak (as I might have expected) from my scientific colleagues, and to the contrary have had some encouragement about trying to pursue that issue. To come to the point (and this is supported by people like Bill Golden) right now might be a rather propitious time for a fairly general study of expert advice to the government. It would not be confined at all to the White House, although the latter should probably be the centerpiece. If this were to come out in mid or late 1988 it could have some salutary in- fluence on the way the next administration is organized. No matter which party comes in at that time I am sure there will be a receptivity to new thinking that has not prevailed during the current regimes. The 20th Century Fund has approached me spontaneously about chairing such a study but I wondered whether this was a matter that would not benefit from more prestigious sponsor- ship. In particular might it be elevated to one of the smaller commissions of the Carnegie that have been so influential in past history? Dr. David A. Hamburg November 5, 1986 -2- I have some reinforcement about this from Jim Coleman, who did write one of the most thoughtful papers in the Bill Golden book on science advice about five years ago. He agrees with the principle, and equally importantly would agree to share the work with me in trying to put a program together. Dave, I would very much appreciate your counsel about the general concept of this kind of a study together with your reaction about trying to target it as a Carnegie ini- tiative. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Encl. S 27