re Raw | xi s2enfK ya wb A HARVARD UNIVERSITY JOHN F. KENNEDY SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT GRAHAM ALLISON 79 JOHN F. KENNEDY STREET DEAN CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02138 50 {617} 495-1122 Pye Er yy 350 June 2, 1986 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 Dear Josh: Good for you. Your letter on the science advisor was courageous, truthful, and directly on point. I'm sure it was not popular among all your colleagues. Some years ago I was a token social scientist on a National Academy of Sciences panel headed by Jim Killian that was attempting to revive PSAC. Having tried to argue your point about the constraints upon those who seek to speak truth to power, I applaud your forthright statement of the point. Congratulations. Warm regards, Graham Allison