YALE UNIVERSITY OSBORN BOTANICAL LABORATORY NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT February 24, 1949 Mr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh: We recently finished our synthesis on "ONPG" and am sending some under separate cover. Thanks very much for the ones you sent us. We haven't as yet tried many inhibition tests on lactase but have dealt primarily with bp olati on of the enzyme. Landman believes at the moment that he has # crystalline. I won't believe this until I see it repeated a few more times and in larger quantities. I am un- able to send any crystalline but I can send a pretty well purified Neurospora enzyme, if you still want it. Your grapevine isn't very efficient, since I have perhaps one or two more lactose negative mtants but certainly not wholesale. We - have been unable to achieve a really satisfactory selective method of obtaining these mutants. Our difficulty at the present time is primarily that of devising an easier method of getting any mutants at all. We are feeling more hopeful at present and using m-ray irradiat- ed ascospores plated out in sorbose. We have what appears to be a somewhat better system than the lactose system amt a system dealing with the conversion of tryptophan to indole acetic acid. We have been more successful in getting clear-cut mutants to this character. It appears more straight-forward than lactose. Any more dope on your diploid? Best regards, Sincerely, David M. Bonner Associate Professor of Microbiology DMB